Monday, October 10, 2011

A Brother's Murder by Brent Staples

Jamielle Silvia
ENGL 0250-154
H. Susi
October 8, 2011
A Brother’s Murder by Brent Staples
Could you imagine losing your brother or someone you love to violence? In this essay A Brother’s Murder by Brent Staples he suffers the loss of his brother after previously trying to get him on the right path. Staples grew up in Chester, Pennsylvania where he was surrounded by violence daily. His brother Blake chose to be part of this violence because to him it proved how manly he was till one day he was shot by his old friend. Growing up Stables knew this wasn’t the life he wanted to live, so he moved on finished college and became a journalist. Shortly after trying to lead his brother in the right direction he received a phone call of his brother’s murder and began grieving because he didn’t act sooner.
Teenagers who are wrapped up in violence and gangs end up in jail or worse killed. Most people who get caught up in the “gang” life don’t ever usually get out. They get so used to having to prove themselves as men and they see this as being the perfect way to do it. According to Blake being addicted to the street life was the only thing he wanted to do. Staples tried to get him away from it and plan a date for them to get away for a while. Before he got a chance to follow up to make a date he already got a phone about his brother’s murder. His brother never had the chance to turn his life around because he was killed. If you are into the gang life you better get out before you never have the chance to leave.
Dealing with a close relative’s death or any person’s death can be tragic. Staples would have nightmares and wake up in the middle of the night crying because he felt it was his fault. Staples knew he didn’t want to live the gang life like his brother so he chose to do the right thing. He helped himself and tried helping his brother but felt he was too late. Staples blamed himself for a long time for his brother’s death. Deaths can be harsh but you can’t help a person that doesn’t want to help themselves and Blake wasn’t looking to get out of the life he was living.
People talk about the places they grew up and how they affect them. If you grew up in a nice neighborhood you were more likely to be a good kid but if you’re raised in the ghetto people assume you get into trouble or cause it. I believe it does not matter where you grow up, it matters who you hang around with and how you chose to live your life. Staples stated talking about two men “their manhood on their sleeves.” In this case Blake chose to act like a man by being violent and hanging with the wrong crowd. In the end his actions led to the death of him. Staples chose to head in the right direction but Blake couldn’t seem to find that path.
I think that many people can relate to this story. I have never lost a sibling or a close friend but I know people who have. This essay is about a man who lost his brother to violence and blamed himself for not reaching out to him in time. This essay also made me very sad because I don’t think I would be able to lose my brother or most importantly my twin sister I would feel like a part of me is missing.

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