Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Risk-Free Life by Leonard Pitts

Jamielle Silvia
ENGL 0250-154
H. Susi
October 29, 2011
A Risk-Free Life
            Leonard Pitts’ essay, A Risk-Free Life is about a women and her family who is suffering from a disease called Alzheimer’s. This disease is a genetic flaw in her family and is very dangerous because it affects them very early in life. This women’s desire was to have a healthy baby, so she went to get her eggs screened for this disease. Her name has not been released for her own safety. Pitts begins to talk about the ability to screen for this disease and soon will lead to screening for hair color, weight, height, and eye color. Next, he explains a doctor will hand you a survey and you would be able to pick your child features through a checklist.
            If I had a genetic disease that ran through the family, I would go out of my way to find out if my unborn child was going to share this same disease. Also I would ask myself, is it worth it to have my child go through the same thing I am? This women’s family is affected by this disease vey early in their life. Her doctor believes her Alzheimer’s will start to take effect in 10 more years, when she is about 40. In that case, her child would only be about 10 years old when her mother would begin to not recognize her. In my opinion this women is only looking out for the safety of her child. Screening her unborn child for this genetic disease was a very smart decision.
            Everyone wants the best for their child and would do anything to give them a good life. I believe this woman should take into consideration of how her child will feel when it is no longer recognized by its mother. It makes me sad that her child will only be10 years old when the disease starts taking effect. I think the child will be confused and not understand what is happening till a little later in life. Also this genetic disease will soon have its effect on this poor 10 year old and then she will soon suffer through the same thing. The cycle will be never ending unless the cycle is stopped somewhere, but of course that choice is up to the mother/woman.
            The quote that really caught my attention was when Pitts stated, “And I guess it would be easy to look at a thing like that and regard it as an intrusion upon your life. But life IS ovarian cancer. It’s Alzheimer’s, it’s a heart attack, it’s mental illness, it’s uncertainty, and it is suffering.” I do not know exactly what he means or what he is trying to say, but I took this quote as he was saying life is uncertainty. Also, I think he means what happens in your life is unexpected and you are not suppose to know what you will be affected by as an egg inside a mothers stomach. As life goes on illnesses come about and you deal with them but for the meantime you live for the things that make you happy.
            After reading this story, I agree with Pitts that one day in the future people will be able to create all the features and genders of their children. I feel very sorry for the woman and the fact that her disease is so severe. I think I will feel worse for the child to grow up with the mother not being able to recognize her. This article has made me very sad because I feel like the child will not understand what her mother is going through. I do believe that no one can live a risk free life and sooner or later we all have to overcome obstacles that get in our way.

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